Presuit Notice for a Malpratice Lawsuit in Pembroke Pines Florida – Part II
July 24, 2013A woman from Orem, Utah, who became extremely ill after eating spinach containing E. coli, has settled her multimillion dollar lawsuit against the companies responsible for her injuries. Chelsey Macey nearly died after eating Dole pre-washed baby spinach in 2006. She developed a very severe case of “post-infectious irritable bowl syndrome.” Her lawyers, backed by the testimony of medical experts, argued that her condition is permanent and that she will be permanently disable.
Dole, among other companies, has accepted liability for the tainted spinach. Mrs. Macey suffers from “gripping abdominal pain and fatigue”, which keeps her from doing normal activities such as working, going to school, or taking care of her household. Part of Mrs. Macey’s pain and suffering includes her shyness about shopping or eating out due to her fear of losing control of her bowels.
As the jury ruled, Dole and the other companies are liable for Mrs. Dacey’s injuries and pain and suffering. This E. coli is an example of products liability and Mrs. Dacey’s injuries were the result of Dole putting a product in the market that was not suitable for human consumption. Had the spinach never reached the supermarket, Mrs. Dacey would not have developed this condition and she would not be suffering for the rest of her life. Unfortunately, cases like this are common, but The Florida Injury Lawyers have extensive experience litigating products liability cases in the South Florida area.
The reason this is a product liability matter is that Dole and the other companies had a duty to sell a safe product. By selling spinach that was contaminated with E. coli, they breached that duty and the contaminated spinach was the cause of Mrs. Macey’s personal injury. Finally, she suffered injuries, which is why she was able to seek and collect damages.
The Fort Lauderdale Injury Lawyers are particularly knowledgeable, experienced and skilled at dealing with these very unfortunate lawsuits and are available for consultation. You may wish to consult with us by calling 1-877-529-0444 or by e-mail at