Does Our Society Care for Negligently Injured Victims? A Weston, Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Attorney's Prospective – Part I
July 24, 2013Justice For Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Victims: Is It a Fair Field – Part III
July 24, 2013Let’s face it, are we not all at the influence of others? Are we not readily influenced by what advertising sells us, what our mass media informs us and by frankly the intentional manipulations of how corporate influencer’s direct our belief systems?
A perfect example of how corporate America controls our decision making process is found in our voting system. When is the last time a political candidate was elected without any mass media campaign and without significant sums of money behind them to finance how we perceive a candidate’s worth? The simple truth is that we are a society that is easily led by our media. And now, this brings me to my point that the public’s perception of the righteousness of most personal injury victim’s claims is in large part governed by how corporate America, and particularly the insurance industry has influenced our perceptions having intentionally painted the picture that victims are somehow bad people if they bring a personal injury lawsuit and that the defendant who caused the accident and injury is somehow deserving of our pity. To be continued
For further discussion please feel free to call the Fort Lauderdale Injury attorneys at 954-349-3300 or by emailing us at