Who's At Fault For Causing Injuries in a Fort Lauderdale, Florida Intersection Accident – Part II?
July 24, 2013Florida Laws That Assists Accident Lawsuits To Settle Before Trial – Part I
July 24, 2013This is important to the defense attorney and the insurance company because if they can demonstrate that the injured Plaintiff is partially at fault, whatever amount a Fort Lauderdale Broward County Jury may award the injured person in a verdict will be reduced by that percentage before the ultimate judgment amount is entered by the Judge of the Court.
So for example, if the jury awards the injured plaintiff of a Fort Lauderdale, Florida motorcycle, scooter, SUV, pickup truck or other vehicle accident the gross sum of $100,000 dollars, but the jury determines (through the persuasion of the insurance company’s defense attorney) that the plaintiff was 25% at fault for causing a Fort Lauderdale, Florida personal injury accident, the injured Plaintiff will receive a judgment that is reduced by 25% of the verdict or a net judgment in the amount of $75,000.
For further information about this topic please feel free to contact the Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys at the Schulman Law Group by calling 1-877-529-0444 or by emailing us.