Learn About Air Bag Deployment in Fort Lauderdale Florida Car Accidents – Part 3
July 24, 2013Fort Lauderdale, Florida Personal Injury Victims of Defective Products – Part 2
July 24, 2013Needless to say, our lives have for the most part greatly benefited from the extraordinary advancements from science, technology and in medicine. There are amazing minds at work not only in Florida universities, but throughout this great country, feverishly working to provide a better life for society. Brilliant minds are at work causing advancements in the technology world that have allowed for the input of secondary intelligence to advance the products and devices that are intended to improve our lives. With the aid of computers, man is assisted in accelerating the research and development of concepts and designs to better our lives whether it be in the area of computer science, or in the areas of pharmaceutical advancements, research on animals, stem cell research or artificial prosthesis – man and computer have combined in a mission to provide the most unthinkable advancements for our lives.
We, the ultimate consumer are the intended beneficiaries of these advancements. Unfortunately, everything in life bears a cost; research and development come at an extraordinary price tag which must somehow be justified by corporate interests. Untold hundreds of millions of dollars are invested each year into the areas of research and development by corporate entities who in addition to intending to help society’s lives need to justify the expenditures by ultimately producing ever increasing profit margins for investors; regardless of how well intentioned the inventors or researchers or designers may be. Continued in part two – next blog entry