An unfortunate fatal auto accident in South Florida has, once again, raised the need for awareness about the subject of towing and trailer safety on the […]
Florida Dept. of Financial Services officials are currently seeking outside funding to conduct a study weighing the benefits of Florida’s no-fault auto insurance, also known as […]
An “artificial-intelligence attorney” created by IBM has been recently enlisted by a major law firm. The law firm claims that it will use the “A.I.” lawyer […]
On May 4, 2016, the Florida Supreme Court will hear oral arguments regarding a dispute between State Farm and Shands Jacksonville Medical Center involving contracts and […]
The Florida Supreme Court recently agreed to hear an appeal brought by Allstate Insurance Company in a dispute about fees paid to medical providers under Personal […]
A Florida state court ruling now effectively allows State Farm (and other insurers) to make what was once publicly available information secret, in regards how many […]
Governor Rick Scott signed Florida’s new death sentence law as legal efforts by several death row inmates mounted in an effort to stay alive, contending that […]
Earlier this month, thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts gathered in Daytona Beach for Bike Week, a gathering of riders that cruise in from all parts of the […]